new Combo()
renders a combo chart, having both a bar and a line chart.
- Source:
axis( [axis] [, adding])
If axis is specified, append it to axis settings and returns the instance itself. If axis is a string, it refers axis's target(x or y) and will be converted to an object. If axis is an array of objects, replaces existing axis settings. If axis is not specified, returns the current axis settings. If axis exists and adding is false, it removes the existing axis settign which has the same target of axis.
Name Type Argument Default Description axis
string | object | Array.<Object> <optional>
Name Type Argument Default Description target
string x target scale's name orient
string <optional>
bottom top|right|bottom|left thickness
number <optional>
18 showDomain
boolean <optional>
true showticks
boolean <optional>
true compressTicks
boolean <optional>
false if is true, only first or end value of the tick shown. showTitle
boolean <optional>
true title
string <optional>
string <optional>
top|right|bottom|left autoTickFormat
boolean <optional>
if is true, not apply dimension and measure's format. adding
boolean <optional>
true if adding is false, removes existing the axis specified target. - Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- axis | RectLinear
rectLinear.axis('x') // sets X-axis on the bottom side .axis({target: 'y', orient: 'right', showTicks: false, title: 'Custom Axis Y'}) // sets Y-axis on the right side rectLinear.axis('y', false) // removes existing Y-axis
axisTitle(targetAndField, title)
sets a custom title of an axis. Filters axes, returning the axis that has the same target and field whith targetAndField, then sets or remove it's title. If title is false the selected axis's custom title will be removed. Actually, .axisTitle method manipulates
Name Type Description targetAndField
string | object Properties
Name Type Argument Description target
string field
string <optional>
string - Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- RectLinear
rectLinear.axisTitle('x', 'custom Axis X') rectLinear.axisTitle('y.Sales', 'custom Axis Y') rectLinear.axisTitle({target:'y', field: 'Sales'}, 'custom Axis X') rectLinear.axisTitle('x', false);
axisTitles( [axisTitles])
set axis titles directly.
Name Type Argument Description axisTitles
Array.<Object> <optional>
string target scale name of the axis(x|y) axisTitles[].title
string title to show axisTitles[].field
string <optional>
target field name of the axis - Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- axisTitles | RectLinear
rectLinear.axisTitles({target:'x', title: 'custom title X'});
barWidth( [barWidth])
If barWidth is specified, sets each bar width(or height on vertical bar) and returns the instance itself. If barWidth is not specified, or barWidth bigger than origin barWidth, just returns the instance's current barWidth setting. Not surpport Stacked Bar Chart.
Name Type Argument Default Description barWidth
boolean | number <optional>
false false or specific number - Source:
- Type
- barWidth | Bar
bar.orient('horizontal'); // renders the horizontal bar chart
If color is specified, sets color schemes in array and returns the instance itself. The color schemes is used for color marks of the chart and follows CSS color type. If color is not specified, returns the instance's current color schemes.
Name Type Default Description color
string | Array.<string> defaultSchemes color schemes - Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- color | Core
core.color('red'); core.color(['#fff', 'steelblue', 'rgb(128, 128, 128)']); core.color();
colorDomain( [colorDomain])
If colorDomain is specified, match color domain and color schemes manually. If colorDomain is not specified, returns the instance's current colorDomain. ColorDomain is an array of objects includes a key and a color(optional) property. If a color peroperty is not specified, uses a color in internal
color schemes
in order. Also, if an element of array is string type, it translates into an object with a key property.Parameters:
Name Type Argument Description colorDomain
Array.<string> | Array.<object> <optional>
string | number colorDomain[].color
string <optional>
- Inherited From:
- Source:
Example[ {name: 'A', value: 10}, {name: 'B', value: 20}, {name: 'C', value: 30}, {name: 'D', value: 40} ]) //sets data .dimensions(['name']) .measures(['value']) .color(['red', 'green', 'blue', 'yellow']) .colorDomain(['B', {key: 'A', color: 'orange'}, {key: 'D'}]) // sets bar A: orange / bar B: red / bar C: blue / bar D: green
container( [container])
The Core method `.container` sets a selector of a chart holder element or an element itself as its container. Core finds the holder element and renders a chart on it. If container is specified, sets a selector or a element and returns the instance itself. If container is not specified, returns the instance's current container.
Name Type Argument Description container
string | Element <optional>
a selector or an element - Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- string | Element | Core
core.container('#chart-container'); //sets a selector of a chart holder element as its container core.container(document.getElementById('chart-container')); //sets an element as its container core.container(); //returns the current container;
customDomain( [customDomain])
The Core method `.customDomain` sets a user-defined domain of a measrure variable. It's reflection differs based on the char type. If customDomain is specified, sets a selector or a element and returns the instance itself. If customDomain is not specified, returns the instance's current customDomain.
Name Type Argument Description customDomain
Array.<Number> <optional>
a user-defined domain of a measrure variable - Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- customDomain | Core
core.customDomain([0, 100]); //sets a custom domain; core.container(); //returns the current custom domain;
data( [data])
If data is specified, sets data and returns the instance itself. The data shoud be an array of objects, and the object includes the properties used as dimensions and measures. If data is not specified, returns the instance's current data.
Name Type Argument Description data
Array.<Object> <optional>
- Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- data | Core
Example[ {name: 'a', value: 10}, {name: 'a', value: 100}, {name: 'b', value: 20} ]) //sets data .dimensions(['name']) .measures(['value']);; //returns the current data;
recovers the selection's opacity from
Name Type Description nodeOrRegion
d3Selection the selection of nodes and regions in the chart - Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- Core
demuteLegend( [exceptionFilter])
Fiters labels with a key different with exceptionFilter in the chart's legend, demute the selection.
Name Type Argument Description exceptionFilter
string | function <optional>
If the fiter is a string, select nodes which has different key with the filter. If the a function, it is evaluated for each selected element, in order, being passed the current datum (d), the current index (i), and the current group (nodes), with this as the current DOM element (nodes[i]). - Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- Core
core.demuteLegend('Sales'); // recover opacity of muted labels, whose key is not 'Sales', in the legend;
demuteNodes( [excemptionFilter])
Fiters nodes according to excemptionFilter in the chart and
the nodes. If excemptionFilter is no specified, demutes all nodes.Parameters:
Name Type Argument Description excemptionFilter
string | function <optional>
If the fiter is a string, select nodes which has different key with the filter. If the a function, it is evaluated for each selected element, in order, being passed the current datum (d), the current index (i), and the current group (nodes), with this as the current DOM element (nodes[i]). - Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- Core
core.demuteNodes('Sales'); // nodes whose key is not 'Sales' are demuted core.demuteNodes(d => d.key !== 'Sales') // nodes whose key is not 'Sales' are demuted
appends a dimension to
array. A dimenension(key) acts as an index that is used to look up measure(value). A synonym for dimension is independent attribute. Jelly-chart hasdata
in an array to be grouped into a hierarchical tree structure with dimensions; multi-dimensions can make multiple levels of grouping. The combination of all dimensions would be unique for each item. Each dimension is converted into a mark(region or node) according to its chart type and level.Parameters:
Name Type Description dimension
string | object Properties
Name Type Argument Default Description field
string refers a key property in objects from the data array
. The key property will be invoked for each element in the input array and must return a string identifier to assign the element to its group.order
string <optional>
natural chooses comparator types among natural, ascending and descending, sorting nodes in selected order. max
number <optional>
100 maximum number of nodes format
string | function <optional>
a time formatter for the given string specifier formatSub
string | function <optional>
a sub-time formatter for the given string specifier, which used sub-ticks on it's axis. interval
string <optional>
If the dimension has Date type values, set an interval which is a conventional unit of time to grouped its value. - Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- Core
core.dimension({field:'Sales', order:'ascending'}); core.dimension({field: 'Sales Date', format: '%y', interval: 'year'}) core.dimension('Profit');
dimensions( [dimensions])
If dimensions is specified, sets dimensions and returns the instance itself. If dimensions is an object or string, it would be turned into an array with a dimension. If dimensions is not specified, returns the instance's current dimensions. A dimenension(key) acts as an index that is used to look up measure(value). A synonym for dimension is independent attribute. Jelly-chart has
in an array to be grouped into a hierarchical tree structure with dimensions; multi-dimensions can make multiple levels of grouping. The combination of all dimensions would be unique for each item. Each dimension is converted into a region or a node according to its chart type and level.Parameters:
Name Type Argument Description dimensions
string | object | Array.<Object> <optional>
sets a dimension
array which are objects has properties for aggregation(grouping).- Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- dimensions | Core
Example[ {category:'Blue', name: 'A', value: 10}, {category:'Blue', name: 'B', value: 20}, {category:'Blue', name: 'C', value: 30}, {category:'Blue', name: 'D', value: 40}, {category:'Red', name: 'A', value: 20}, {category:'Red', name: 'B', value: 10}, {category:'Red', name: 'C', value: 40}, {category:'Red', name: 'D', value: 10}, ]) //sets data .dimensions(['category', {field:'name', order:'ascending'}]) //generates a grouped bar chart which has 2 regions (Red, Blue) with 4 bars(A,B,C,D) each.
gets a domain of the scale with a specified name
Name Type Description name
string - Inherited From:
- Source:
Fiters nodes in the chart, returning a new selection that contains only the elements for which the specified filter is true.
Name Type Description filter
string | function The filter may be specified either as a selector stringfilter is or a function. If the a function, it is evaluated for each selected element, in order, being passed the current datum (d), the current index (i), and the current group (nodes), with this as the current DOM element (nodes[i]). - Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- d3Selection
core.filterNodes(function(d) { return d.key === key; })
Fiters regions in the chart, returning a new selection that contains only the elements for which the specified filter is true.
Name Type Description filter
string | function The filter may be specified either as a selector stringfilter is or a function. If the a function, it is evaluated for each selected element, in order, being passed the current datum (d), the current index (i), and the current group (nodes), with this as the current DOM element (nodes[i]). - Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- d3Selection
core.filterRegions(function(d) { return d.key === key; })
font( [fontStyle])
If fontStyle is specified, sets the font styles to the specified object and returns the instance itself. If fontStyle is not specified, returns the instance's current fontStyle.
Name Type Argument Description fontStyle
object <optional>
Name Type Default Description font-family
string sans-serif font-size
number 12 font-weight
string lighter font-style
string normal - Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- fontStyle | Core
core.font({'font-size': 16}); //sets th font size to 16px, then returns core itself; core.font(); //returns the current fontStyle object;
grid( [grid])
If grid is specified, sets grid setting and returns the instance itself. If grid is true, shows grids of axes. If grid is not specified, it returns the current grid setting.
Name Type Argument Default Description grid
boolean <optional>
false - Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- grid | RectLinear
height( [height])
If height is specified, sets height of the container and returns the instance itself. The unit of height is a pixel. If height is not specified, returns the instance's current height.
Name Type Argument Default Description height
number <optional>
480 height of the container - Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- height | Core
core.height(600); //sets a custom height; core.height(); //returns the current height;
returns an inner size of chart excepting offsets from the container's size
Name Type Default Description needArray
boolean false If needArray is true, retruns the size in array - Inherited From:
- Source:
returns {width, height} or [width, height] according to needArray- Type
- object | array
label( [label])
If label is specified as true, sets the chart to show labels on its marks and returns the instance itself. If label is not specified, returns the instance's current height.
Name Type Argument Default Description label
boolean <optional>
false whether to show labels on marks - Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- label | Core
core.label(true); //shows labels core.label(); //returns the current height;
legend( [legend])
If legend is specified, sets the legend object which includes an orient and a thickness of the legend. If legend is a boolean, it would be tured into an object with a bottom orient and a default thickness. Also, is a string, it would become a orient of an object. If legend is not specified, returns the instance's current legend.
Name Type Argument Description legend
boolean | string | object <optional>
sets a legend type. If is a false, removes the legend. Properties
Name Type Argument Default Description orient
string bottom sets a legend orient(top|right|bottom|left) align
string <optional>
start sets a legend align(start|middle|end) thickness
number <optional>
(54|162) sets a legend thickness. if the orient is top or bottom, the default thickness is 54 pixels. Otherwise, it would be 162 pixels. - Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- legend | Core
core.legend(true); //sets {orient: 'bottom', thickness: 54} core.legend({orient:'right', thickness: 200}); core.legend();
limits the number of nodes length as many as limitNumber.
Name Type Description limitNumber
number - Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- Core
limits the number of elements length from the
as many as limitNumber, in order.Parameters:
Name Type Description limitNumber
number - Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- Core
margin( [margin])
If margin is specified, sets margin of the container and returns the instance itself. The unit of margin is a pixel. If margin is not specified, returns the instance's current margin.
Name Type Argument Description margin
object <optional>
Name Type Argument Default Description top
number <optional>
40 top right
number <optional>
40 right bottom
number <optional>
40 bottom left
number <optional>
40 left - Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- margin | Core
core.margin({top:100, right: 100}); //sets the margin's top and right amount core.margin();
appends a measure to
array. A measure(value) acts as an value that is looked up by dimensions(key). A synonym for measure is dependent attribute. Jelly-chart hasdata
in an array to be grouped into a hierarchical tree structure with dimensions. If measures are specified, leaves of the tree will be summarized by them.Parameters:
Name Type Description measure
string | object Properties
Name Type Argument Default Description field
string <optional>
refers a value property in objects from the data array
. The value property will be invoked for leaf elements during aggregation and their values in the property will be summarized by the specified operator as an value.op
string <optional>
sum an operator(sum, mean, variance, min, max, median) to summarize leaf elements. format
string <optional>
a time formatter for the given string specifier - Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- Core
core.measure({field:'Sales', 'op': 'mean'}); core.measure('Profit');
measures( [measures])
If measures is specified, sets measures and returns the instance itself. If measures is an object or string, it would be turned into an array with a measure. If measures is not specified, returns the instance's current measures. A measure(value) acts as an value that is looked up by dimensions(key). A synonym for dimension is independent attribute. Jelly-chart has
in an array to be grouped into a hierarchical tree structure with dimensions. If measures are specified, leaves of the tree will be summarized by them.Parameters:
Name Type Argument Description measures
string | object | Array.<Object> <optional>
sets a measure
array which are objects has properties for aggregation(grouping).- Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- measures | Core
Example[ {name: 'A', sales: 10}, {name: 'B', sales: 20}, {name: 'C', sales: 30}, {name: 'D', sales: 40}, {name: 'A', sales: 20}, {name: 'B', sales: 10}, {name: 'C', sales: 40}, {name: 'D', sales: 10}, ]) //sets data .dimensions(['name']) .measures([{field:'sales', op: 'mean'}]) //generates a mono bar chart with 4 bars(A,B,C,D). //each bar's length will be determined mean of 'sales' values from leaf elements.
mute(nodeOrRegion [, intensity])
transparentize the selection's opacity by
Name Type Argument Description nodeOrRegion
d3Selection the selection of nodes and regions in the chart intensity
number <optional>
- Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- Core
muteIntensity( [muteIntensity])
If muteIntensity is specified, sets muteIntensity of the chart and returns the instance itself. MuteIntensity determines opacity of marks which is muted by
method. If muteIntensity is not specified, returns the instance's current width.Parameters:
Name Type Argument Default Description muteIntensity
number <optional>
0.3 opacity of muted marks - Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- muteIntensity | Core
core.muteIntensity(0.5); //sets a custom width; core.muteIntensity(); //returns the current width;
muteLegend( [exceptionFilter])
Fiters labels with a key different with exceptionFilter in the chart's legend, demute the selection.
Name Type Argument Description exceptionFilter
string | function <optional>
If the fiter is a string, select nodes which has different key with the filter. If the a function, it is evaluated for each selected element, in order, being passed the current datum (d), the current index (i), and the current group (nodes), with this as the current DOM element (nodes[i]). - Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- Core
core.demuteLegend('Sales'); // recover opacity of muted labels, whose key is not 'Sales', in the legend;
returns all nodes
- Inherited From:
- Source:
nodes- Type
- d3Selection
- Inherited From:
- Overrides:
- Source:
{top, right, bottom, left} offset in pixels- Type
- object
padding( [padding])
sets the padding to the same padding value. Depending on the chart type and its scale type, padding will be applied differently. If padding is not specified, returns the instance's current padding value.
Name Type Argument Default Description padding
number <optional>
0 - Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- padding | PaddingMixin
paddingMixin.padding(0.5) paddingMixin.padding()
process( [type] [, call] [, option])
sets and gets rendering procedures.
Name Type Argument Description type
string <optional>
function <optional>
object <optional>
Name Type Description after
string allow
function - Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- process | Array.<process> | Core
regionPadding( [regionPadding])
sets the regionPadding to the same padding value. Depending on the chart type and its scale type, it will be applied differently. If regionPadding is not specified, returns the instance's current regionPadding value.
Name Type Argument Default Description regionPadding
number <optional>
0 - Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- regionPadding | PaddingMixin
paddingMixin.regionPadding(0.5) paddingMixin.regionPadding()
returns all regions
- Inherited From:
- Source:
regions- Type
- d3Selection
render( [keep] [, skip])
renders the chart. At the end of settings for a chart, it should be called. If keep is true, it does not reset existing scales.
Name Type Argument Default Description keep
boolean <optional>
false If is true, not reset existing scales. skip
Array.<String> <optional>
[] If skip includes an process, the process will be ignored. - Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- Core
reset( [keep])
reset the chart
Name Type Argument Default Description keep
boolean <optional>
false If keep is true, not reset existing scales. - Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- Core
scale( [name])
If name is specified, returns a scale with the name in existing scales. If name is not specified, returns an object includes all scales.
Name Type Argument Description name
string <optional>
- Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- object | function
core.scale('color'); //returns the color scale; core.scale() // returns the scale object
shows a tooltip on a node which has the same keys.
Name Type Argument Description keys
string <repeatable>
Keys from the leaf to parents - Inherited From:
- Source:
- To Do:
- not work for a multiTooltip
- Type
- Core
size( [size])
If size is specified, sets the size range and it direction and returns the instance itself. Each chart type apply size settings differently. If size is not specified, returns the instance's current transition and use the default size setting.
Name Type Argument Description size
number | object | Array.<Object> <optional>
- Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- size | Core
line.size(20) // set point radius of a line chart to 20 pixel scatter.size(10) // set point radius of a scatter chart to 10 pixel scatter.size([10, 100]) // set the range of point radius of a scatter chart from 10 to 100 pixel pie.size([20, 100]) // set the inner radius to 20 and the outer radius to 100 seperately treemap.size({range: [600, 400]}) // set the width to 600 and the height to 400 pixel of a treemap
sortByValue( [sortByValue])
If is true or a comparator string(natural, ascending, descending), sort nodes according to their values. If sortByValue is not specified, returns the current sortByValue setting.
Name Type Argument Default Description sortByValue
boolean | string <optional>
false (false|natural|ascending|descending) - Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- sortByValue | SortMixin
bar.sortByValue('ascending') //sort bars in ascending order.
tooltip( [tooltip])
If tooltip is specified, decides to show a tooltip in the chart by it value. If is false, prevent showing the tooltip. If tooltip is not specified, returns the instance's current tooltip setting.
Name Type Argument Default Description tooltip
boolean | object <optional>
true - Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- tooltip | Core
core.tooltip(true); //set to show a tooltip core.tooltip({sortByValue:'ascending'}); // set to show a tooltip and sort items in order of their measrue values.
transition( [transition])
If transition is specified, sets the transition duration and delay to the specified object and returns the instance itself. If transition is not specified, returns the instance's current transition.
Name Type Argument Description transition
object <optional>
Name Type Default Description duration
number 600 transition duration in milliseconds delay
number 20 trnasition delay in millisecends - Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- transition | Core
core.transition({duration: 1000}); //sets the transition duration to 1000 milliseconds, then returns core itself; core.transition(); //returns the current transition object;
width( [width])
If width is specified, sets width of the container and returns the instance itself. The unit of width is a pixel. If width is not specified, returns the instance's current width.
Name Type Argument Default Description width
number <optional>
640 width of the container - Inherited From:
- Source:
- Type
- width | Core
core.width(600); //sets a custom width; core.width(); //returns the current width;