import {timeFormat} from 'd3'; /** * appends a measure to {@link Core#measures measures} array. A measure(value) acts as an value that is looked up by dimensions(key). A synonym for measure is dependent attribute. Jelly-chart has {@link Core#data data} in an array to be grouped into a hierarchical tree structure with dimensions. If measures are specified, leaves of the tree will be summarized by them. * @memberOf Core# * @function * @example * core.measure({field:'Sales', 'op': 'mean'}); * core.measure('Profit'); * @param {(string|object)} measure * @param {string} [measure.field] refers a value property in objects from the {@link Core#data data array}. The value property will be invoked for leaf elements during aggregation and their values in the property will be summarized by the specified operator as an value. * @param {string} [measure.op=sum] an operator(sum, mean, variance, min, max, median) to summarize leaf elements. * @param {string} [measure.format] a time formatter for the given string {@link specifier} * @return {Core} */ function measure (measure) { if (typeof measure === 'string') { this.__attrs__.measures.push({field: measure, op: 'sum'}); } else if (typeof measure === 'object') { if ('format' in measure && typeof measure.format === 'string') measure.format = timeFormat(measure.format); this.__attrs__.measures.push(measure); } return this; } export default measure;