/** * If stream is an object or an array of objects, appends the stream to existing data. If stream is specified, during re-rendering, it will keeps the domain interval limited by {@link StreamMixin#viewInterval viewInterval}. When re-renders chart, should use .render(true). * If stream is not specified, returns the existing stream. * @memberOf StreamMixin# * @function * @example * stream.stream({category:'A', sales: 100}) * .render(true); * * stream.stream([ * {category: 'D', sales: 100}, * {category: 'E', sales: 200} * ]).render(true); * @param {object|Object[]} [stream=null] * @return {zoom|ZoomMixin} */ function stream(stream) { if (!arguments.length) return this.__execs__.stream; if (stream) { if (!Array.isArray(stream)) stream = [stream]; this.data(this.data().concat(stream)); } this.__execs__.stream = stream; return this; } export default stream;