import {dispatch} from 'd3'; import Facet from '../facet/'; import brushMixin from '../brushMixin'; import fitLineMixin from '../fitLineMixin'; import fixLineMixin from '../fixLineMixin'; import seriesMixin from '../seriesMixin'; import zoomMixin from '../zoomMixin'; import paddingMixin from '../paddingMixin'; import shapeMixin from '../shapeMixin'; import stackMixin from '../stackMixin'; import streamMixin from '../streamMixin'; import {mixedMeasure} from '../../modules/measureField'; import {attrFunc, genFunc, mix} from '../../modules/util'; import _brush from './_brush'; import _brushZoom from './_brushZoom'; import _mark from './_mark'; import _munge from './_munge'; import _panning from './_panning'; import _domain from './_domain'; import _range from './_range'; import _axis from './_axis'; import _meanLine from './_meanLine'; import _legend from './_legend'; import _region from './_region'; import _facet from './_facet'; import _fitLine from './_fitLine'; import _fixLine from './_fixLine'; import _tooltip from './_tooltip'; import _zoom from './_zoom'; import {leastSquare as lsFunc} from '../../modules/transform'; const size = {range: [2, 2], scale: 'linear', reverse: false}; const shapes = ['line', 'area']; const conditions = ['normal', 'count', 'mixed']; const _attrs = { meanLine : false, multiTooltip: false, padding: 0, pointRatio : 2, regionPadding: 0.1, shape: shapes[0], areaGradient: false, scaleBandMode : false, size: size, individualScale: false }; /** * renders a line chart * @class Line * @augments Core * @augments RectLinear * @augments Facet * @augments FitLineMixin * @augments SeriesMixin * @augments BrushMixin * @augments ZoomMixin * @augments PaddingMixin * @augments ShapeMixin * @augments StreamMixin */ class Line extends mix(Facet).with(fitLineMixin, fixLineMixin, seriesMixin, brushMixin, zoomMixin, paddingMixin, shapeMixin, stackMixin, streamMixin) { constructor() { super(); this.setAttrs(_attrs); this.__execs__.multiTooltipDispatch = dispatch('selectStart', 'selectMove', 'selectEnd', 'multiTooltip'); this.rebindOnMethod(this.__execs__.multiTooltipDispatch); this.process('munge', _munge, {isPre: true}) .process('brushZoom', _brushZoom, {isPre: true, allow: function() {return this.isBrushZoom()}}) .process('domain', _domain, {isPre: true, allow: function() {return !this.isBrushZoom()}}) .process('range', _range, {isPre: true, allow: function() {return !this.isBrushZoom()}}) .process('axis', _axis, {allow: function() {return !this.isBrushZoom()}}) .process('region', _region, {allow: function() {return !this.isBrushZoom()}}) .process('facet', _facet, {allow: function() {return !this.isBrushZoom() && this.isFacet()}}) .process('mark', _mark, {allow: function() {return !this.isBrushZoom() && !this.isFacet()}}) .process('meanLine', _meanLine, {allow: function() {return !this.isBrushZoom()}}) .process('fitLine', _fitLine, {allow: function() {return !this.isBrushZoom()}}) .process('fixLine', _fixLine, {allow: function() {return !this.isBrushZoom()}}) .process('tooltip', _tooltip, {allow: function() {return !this.isBrushZoom()}}) .process('panning', _panning, {allow: function() {return !this.isBrushZoom()}}) .process('zoom', _zoom, {allow: function() {return !this.isBrushZoom()}}) .process('brush', _brush, {allow: function() {return !this.isBrushZoom()}}) .process('legend', _legend, {allow: function() {return !this.isBrushZoom()}}) } /** * @override */ renderCanvas() { return super.renderCanvas(this.point() ? this.size().range[0]*2 : 0); } /** * If is true, renders the tooltip showing multiple points on the same horizontal position. If is a string or object, sets sorting order of items by each value. If multiTooltip is not specified, returns the instance's multiTooltip setting. * @example * line.multiTooltip(true) // show multiple points on the same horizontal position on a tooltip * line.multiTooltip('ascending') //sort items in ascending order by their each value * line.multiTooltip(false) * line.multiTooltip() * @param {boolean|string|object} [multiTooltip=false] * @param {string} [multiTooltip.sortByValue=natural] (natural|ascending|descending) * @return {multiTooltip|Line} */ multiTooltip(multiTooltip) { if (!arguments.length) return this.__attrs__.multiTooltip; if (typeof multiTooltip === 'boolean') { if (multiTooltip) { multiTooltip = {sortByValue: 'natural'}; } } if (typeof multiTooltip === 'object') { if (!multiTooltip.sortByValue) multiTooltip.sortByValue = 'natural'; } this.__attrs__.multiTooltip = multiTooltip; return this; } /** * gets a result of linear least squres from serieses. If key is specified, returns the value only froma specific series. It is used for draw fit-lines. * @param {string} [key] a name of a series * @example * let l =[ * {name: 'A', sales: 10, profit: 5}, * {name: 'B', sales: 20, profit: 10}, * {name: 'C', sales: 30, profit: 3}, * ... * ]) //sets data * .dimensions(['name']) * .measures(['sales', 'profit']) * .render(); * l.leastSquare('A') // returns a result of the series A * l.leastSquare() // returns from all serieses * @return {object[]} returns [{key: fitLineVal, slope, intercept, rSquare}...] */ leastSquare(key) { const measureName = this.measureName(); const individualScale = this.isIndividualScale(); return this.__execs__.munged.filter(series => { if (typeof key === 'string') { return === key; } else { return true; } }).map(series => { let targets = => {return {x:,[measureName]}}); let ls = lsFunc(targets); if (individualScale && series.scale) { ls.scale = series.scale; } ls.key =; return ls; }); } measureName() { let measures = this.measures(); let yField; if (this.condition() === conditions[2]) yField = mixedMeasure.field; else if (this.aggregated() && measures[0].field === mixedMeasure.field) yField = measures[0].field; else yField = measures[0].field + '-' + measures[0].op; return yField; } isCount() { return this.condition() === conditions[1]; } isFacet() { return this.facet() && this.isNested() && !this.stacked(); } isIndividualScale() { return this.individualScale() && this.isNested() && !this.stacked(); } isMixed() { return this.condition() == conditions[2] ; } isNested() { let dimensions = this.dimensions(); let condition = this.condition(); return dimensions.length === 2 || (condition == conditions[2] && dimensions.length === 1); } isStacked() { return this.stacked() && this.isNested(); } muteFromLegend(legend) { this.muteRegions(legend.key); } muteToLegend(d) { this.muteLegend(; } demuteFromLegend(legend) { this.demuteRegions(legend.key); } demuteToLegend(d) { this.demuteLegend(; } showMultiTooltip(tick, start) { //for the facet condition if (this.multiTooltip()) { let mt = this.__execs__.tooltip; mt.tick(tick, start); } } } /** * If meanLine is specified sets the meanLine setting and returns the Line instance itself. If meanLine is true renders a mean-line on each series. If meanLine is not specified, returns the current meanLine setting. * @function * @example * line.meanLine(true) * @param {boolean} [meanLine=false] If is true, renders a mean-line. * @return {meanLine|Line} */ Line.prototype.meanLine = attrFunc('meanLine'); Line.prototype.scaleBandMode = attrFunc('scaleBandMode'); /** * If individualScale is specified sets the individualScale setting and returns the Line instance itself. When a line chart has multiple measures, each measure will be a series. If individualScale is true, when has multiple measures, each series will be drawn based on an individual scale of itself. * @function * @example * line.individualScale(true) * @param {boolean} [individualScale=false] If is true, renders a mean-line. * @return {individualScale|Line} */ Line.prototype.individualScale = attrFunc('individualScale'); /** * If areaGradient is specified sets the areaGradient setting and returns the Line instance itself. If areaGradient is true, when a line chart shape area, each area filled gradient. * @function * @example * line.areaGradient(true) * @param {boolean} [areaGradient=false] If is true, each area filled gradient. * @return {areaGradient|Line} */ Line.prototype.areaGradient = attrFunc('areaGradient'); function domainY(fieldY, munged, level=0, aggregated=false, stacked=false) { return fieldY.munged(munged).level(level).aggregated(aggregated).domain(0, stacked); } export default genFunc(Line); export {conditions, domainY, shapes};